An album of pictures of the Spain family, from the late 19th century until the present. John’s father’s father was David Elijah Spain. He married Mary Leo Musselwhite who bore his children. One of them, Louise, died young (in her early 30’s). The rest lived long lives. After Mary Leo died in 1947, Papaw Dave remarried to a women named Leatha, known to us as Mamaw Leatha. John’s great grandfather, Major Johnson Spain, married Emma Dodd. Both great grandparents lived until shortly after John’s birth.
Aunt Kate Spain Hollingsworth
Aunt Sudie keeping the books at the store
Uncle David (Boots) Spain and John’s dad, Fred.
Uncle Claude Spain and wife Sudie in his store on the square in Kosciusko
John’s father Fred Spain’s sisters; Bessie, Kate, Louise and Evelyn
Great Grandmother Emma Dodd Spain and possibly daughter Emma
Aunt Evelyn Spain Murphy and husband Eulas
Gaston Jordan, Fred Spain and Eulas Murphy
Uncle Hayward and Aunt Katherine Spain Hollingsworth
Mamaw Mary Leo Musselwhite Spain
Mamaw Mary Leo Musselwhite Spain
Mamaw Spain
Aunt Louise and Mary Katherine Jordan
Mamaw Mary Leo Musselwhite Spain
Louise Spain and Mary Katherine Jordan
Papaw Dave, daughter Bessie Jordan and granddaughter Mary Katherine Jordan
Fred Spain (John’s dad), brother David (aka “Boots), sister Bessie and Papaw Dave
John’s grandfather, David Elijah Spain
Papaw Dave Spain, some of his kids and grandkids
Papaw Dave, Mamaw Letha (his second wife), Miriam Spain in middle.
Papaw & Mamaw Spain and grandkids Mary Katherine and David Jordan
Papaw Dave Spain and wife, Mamaw (Mary Leo Musselwhite Spain)
Gaston & Bessie Jordan, Evelyn & Eulas Murphy, Leo Musselwhite (grandma) & Dave (Papaw) Spain, Louise Spain, Mary Kate Jordan
John’s father’s uncle Sydney J Spain
John’s father’s uncle John C Spain
John’s Grandfather David Elijah Spain
John’s father’s uncle Ernest Claude Spain
Mom Spain at 19, around 1941
Mom Spain at 31 or so
Sydney, Jimmy, David and John Spain around 53 or 54
Nancy, Sudie and David prior to John’s birth
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