John on the Snake Path leading to the top of Masada in the Palestinian territories.
Remains of the ramp constructed by the Romans during the siege of Masada,
Janet at the walls of Masada, where Jewish defenders held off the Roman army
Ruined storage bins in Masada
Herod’s marble bath in Caesarea
Hall in Caesarea where Herod judged criminals. The Apostle Paul likely stood at this very spot when he demanded to be sent to Rome to appeal directly to Caesar.
Ruins of a Roman aqueduct leading to Caesarea
Entrance to Caesarea constructed by crusaders
Fish market in Acco
Secret escape tunnel constructed by Crusaders. Rediscovered in the 1960’s
Ruins in Acco
Janet at the Church of the Beatitudes, where Jesus delivered the sermon on the mount.
Church of the Beatitudes
Janet wading in the Sea of Galilee
Janet floating in the Dead Sea
Plaque in Jericho in Jordan, the oldest continuously occupied city in the world
Church in Jericho
Funeral slab where Christ’s body was prepared for burial
Inside the tomb where Christ was laid
Janet along the stations of the cross
John at the wailing wall in Jerusalem
John and Janet in Jerusalem
Market in Jaffa, an ancient city that adjoins Tel Aviv
Janet enjoying some shawarma in a street cafe in Tel Aviv
Market inside the walls of the old city of Jerusalem
Wall at the Palestinian territory border
Market in the Palestinian Territory where Christians sell hand made goods to support themselves and their churches
Birthplace of Christ, where he was laid in the manger
Janet at the birthplace of Christ in the Church of the Nativity.
Original floor of the Basilica built by Byzantine Emperor Justinian around 550 AD
Bahai Gardens in Haifa, also known as the Hanging Gardens of Haifa
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